Tailor / seamstress box
- Omega Hand Sewing Machine
- Ball of String
- Beads Assorted packs
- Buttons Assorted packs
- Cotton Reeels mixed colours
- Dress Pins
- Elastic 2 mtrs [Black]
- Elastic 2 mtrs [White]
- Flat Iron
- Hemming Tape
- Hooks and eyes
- Machine Needles
- Material [Cotton assorted approx 10 mtrs]
- Pinking Shears
- Press Studs
- Punch Hole Pliers
- Ruler
- Scissors
- Screwdriver
- Sewing Needles
- Shuttles (Bobbins)
- Soft Tape Measure
- Tailor Chalk
- Thimbles
- Velcro Tape [2 mtrs]
- Work Bench
- Zips Assorted Packs